Determine Brand Opportunity in Bird Care Market through Licensing RSPB Brand
Client: RSPB
RSPB asked Intangible Business to evaluate and determine the optimal brand opportunity in the wild bird seed and bird care market through the application of licensing the RSPB brand.
Understanding the public’s perception of the RSPB brand in relation to its competitors was critical in determining brand strength and relevancy in this market. Internal and external consumer and market data was analsyed to establish comparable brand strength and determine the premium the RSPB brand could command in this market. The bird seed and bird care market was also analysed to determine market and channel growth so an appropriate licensing strategy could be implemented on an informed basis. From this analysis, the RSPB’s opportunity for growth was forecast.
A suitable royalty rate was established from an analysis of comparable not-for-profit rates, brand strength analysis, brand premium analysis and licensee affordability. Intangible Business also carried out a brand valuation of the RSPB brand in the wild bird seed and bird care market, identifying the existing and potential value in the different channels. Intangible Business made a series of recommendations of how the RSPB could maximise its brand’s latent opportunity in the wild bird seed and bird care market through a carefully managed strategy, increasing both revenue and awareness.
RSPB asked Intangible Business to evaluate and determine the optimal brand opportunity in the wild bird seed and bird care market through the application of licensing the RSPB brand. The RSPB was in the process of developing an integrated strategy to leverage the RSPB brand for the dual purpose of increasing its reach and reputation and optimising commercial returns to fund the society’s objectives – an applicable royalty rate had to be found and licensing strategy evaluated.