Corporate Recovery

Intangible Business provides a range of services supporting corporate recovery professionals by ensuring that the value of key intellectual property rights – brands, patents, copyright, software, databases, customer lists and other legal rights – are captured, maximised and exploited.

The value of the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. Accurate valuation and appraisal of critical intellectual property rights can enhance refinancing options or the securitisation of plant, property and receivables, allowing the business to go forward on a more stable footing while reducing the finance provider’s exposure to risk. In the event of default, Intangible Business can help maximise the amount recovered by ensuring that the full value of secured IPR is captured under the fixed charge.

Intangible Business is also able to assist businesses to generate incremental revenues from their IPR quickly and cost-effectively through implementation of licensing programmes that complement existing business activities. Through the analysis and evaluation of a business’s portfolio of IPRs, Intangible Business can highlight those assets creating and destroying value, therefore allowing the implementation of effective cost-saving initiatives or the disposal of non-core assets.