IFRS 3 Implementation
IFRS 3 on Business Combinations requires companies to value all acquired intangible assets for their balance sheets. IFRS 3 also demands that brands and other intangible assets are valued by a company independent of the business and auditors. Intangible Business is an independent brand valuation consultancy and experienced in valuing brands and other intangible assets for compliance with IFRS 3. Intangible Business also carries out the full purchase price allocation of assets and liabilities as required.
Intangible Business undertakes a rigorous approach to valuing brands which results in an objective valuation, suitable for IFRS 3. Clear communication and good relations with the auditors is essential to ensuring a smooth sign-off process. Intangible Business is experienced in implementing IFRS 3 and its valuations have been approved by all major international accountancy firms. All acquired intangible assets must be valued under IFRS 3. Intangible Business is experienced and knowledgeable in all forms of intangible asset valuation including: brand valuation, share valuation, customer relationship valuation, copyright valuation, patent valuation and goodwill valuation. Different techniques may be necessary for each valuation but the same rigorous approach is applied to all intangible asset valuations under IFRS 3.
Goodwill needs to be identified to comply with IFRS 3. Intangible Business can identify and quantify the components of goodwill, such as the synergies, portfolio effect or economies of scale that can be extracted from the business combination. Employing Intangible Business to undertake the intangible asset valuations under IFRS 3 results in a timely, in-depth and objective valuation with a smooth sign-off process and on budget.