Business Disposals

Intangible Business adopts a structured approach to selling businesses. Preparing the business for sale is an important first step to undertake. This involves identifying which assets are to be included in the sale and strengthening the offer by either adding to it or rationalising it. As part of the valuation process, the market for the business has to be evaluated to determine the value that could be attributed to it by a potential buyer. Segmenting the market facilitates the identification of potential buyers for Intangible Business to target.

The motivation for purchase and key selling points of the business, along with detailed financial and market information, are encapsulated in a sales document. This sales tool enables the benefits of the business to be communicated easily to potential buyers. Further details can be sourced through a data room. Intangible Business approaches the targeted list of potential buyers and enters into negotiations on behalf of the client, managing the whole process, if required, from contact initiation to negotiation, sale purchase agreement and ultimate transaction.

The objective perspective Intangible Business brings, together with its robust approach, knowledge and experience of businesses ensures that maximum value is attributed to the business. The benefits are clearly articulated to potential buyers and the sale process is managed smoothly for both seller and the buyer.