International Accounting Standards

Despite the similarity between US GAAP and IAS relating to business acquisitions there are a number of subtle, yet important, differences. Intangible Business can help companies manage these differences. We can value intangible assets in compliance with IAS, which requires the recognition of acquired intangible assets and internally generated intangibles under special circumstances. We can also determine appropriate useful lives for intangibles, including those which are indefinite as well as suitable methods for amortization.

We can separate identifiable intangible assets from goodwill to comply with the IAS stipulation regarding recognizing residual goodwill arising from a business combination. Impairment testing is a key aspect of IAS requirements. Intangible Business can advise on the determination of the cash generating unit, carry out these tests and build models for future impairment testing. We advise on disclosure requirements for published financial statements and to ensure compatibility with the audit, we liaise with the auditors to guarantee acceptance of treatment for audit purposes.