Provide Insight for Potential Licensing of Small Domestic Appliances (SDA)
Client: LEC
Lec asked Intangible Business to provide insight into the potential licensing opportunities for its brand into the small domestic appliance (SDA) market within the UK. Also requested was an evaluation of potential licensing partners and proposals, a financial valuation of the potential opportunity and an overview of the SDA market in the UK.
The major brands in the SDA market were analysed and the opportunity for Lec to enter this market evaluated. The Lec brand was researched to identify its strengths and its potential for entering a new market. With its 60 year heritage as a leading British refrigeration manufacturer, its prospects of penetrating the SDA market were strong. As well as increasing revenue, licensing its brand would also increase awareness which, it was anticipated, would have a positive effect on its refrigeration products.
Key licensing partners were identified and researched. Partnering with the right manufacturer would be critical in gaining presence in the major channels. These channels were also evaluated and the most effective routes to market highlighted. A risk assessment was then carried out to ensure the strength of the Lec brand would not be compromised or damaged. The SDA market was valued at the present time and forecast until 2020. The share available to Lec was then calculated and the minimum and potential revenue from royalty payments forecast. This illustrated the potential value that such a deal was worth.
Intangible Business helped implement and negotiate the newly devised licensing strategy in the SDA market.